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Nobel-Monitor Lodge No. 130


A Swedish-American Fraternal Organization

Instituted: 18 January 1908

Cleveland, Ohio

A Swedish Fraternal Lodge for Cleveland area
for all people Embracing our NORDIC Culture

Photo: N Yuhas

Log in to your Member account:

To make your initial application for membership into the VASA Order of America, Nobel Monitor Lodge #130, click on the VASA Membership application for USA, version 2019.  You may fill out and then print the application, enclose a check for $35.00 and mail to our Membership Chair at:

3236 Berkeley Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio  44118

If you are renewing your membership, follow the instructions on the Membership tab, Renew.

Thank you for joining Nobel Monitor Lodge #130.

You can search our website here below:

For more information Contact:

Meeting: 2:30 pm, second Sundays of month

Meeting Address:

Peace Lutheran Church

3740 Mayfield Rd.

Cleveland Heights, OH 44121

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